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After delays to completion of their training due to the COVID-19 situation and closure of the centre, around half of our first year apprentices completed their off-the-job training with us on Friday and are now back with their employers. We wish them good luck with the rest of their apprenticeships and future careers.
The remaining apprentices will complete their training in their specialised areas soon and will return to their employers in due course.

A reminder that ATG will not be closing for the usual 3 weeks summer break today and nearly all staff will be working over this period. Due to the COVID-19 situation and the Centre having to close, our first year apprentices off-the-job training was delayed and staff have been getting the apprentices back on track with this since re-opening on 29 June.


Good Morning 😃

A couple of updates:

To complete the training for our current 1st year apprentices, the Centre will not be closing for the usual 3 weeks summer break this year.

Our new intake of apprentices this year will start with us on Monday 7 September 2020. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the start date for the new intake has had to be put back from the normal mid-August start.

For all 2020 applicants, please remember to check e-mails regularly and answer any telephone calls you receive in case this is companies trying to get in touch with you regarding an apprenticeship.

As mentioned before, if you decide you are no longer interested in an apprenticeship for whatever reason, staying on at school, got another job or such like, then please let us know so we can update our records to avoid wasting anyone’s time. You can do this by e-mailing Vanessa on


Our member companies have and will be accessing our online portal of successful applications in the coming weeks so please ensure you check your e-mails regularly (including spam/junk folders) and also answer any telephone calls you receive as this could be companies trying to get in touch with you regarding an apprenticeship.

If you are no longer interested in an apprenticeship this year, please let us know so we can update our records and avoid wasting the time of companies, you and ourselves. You can do this by e-mailing

Good luck!!