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We are pleased to announce that following Government guidelines and a Risk Assessment undertaken, all instructional training staff and first year apprentices will return to operation on Monday 29 June to complete their first year off-the-job training.

There will be skeleton office staff in from Monday as well with the remaining staff continuing to work remotely from home.


Just a reminder to all applicants for this year’s intake to check your e-mails regularly and respond to any you receive promptly, with the same applying to any telephone calls you may receive.  This could be companies who are interested in your application trying to get in touch with you regarding an apprenticeship.  Companies will have access to our online portal of applications over the coming weeks and therefore may be in touch over this period. If you no longer wish to be considered for this year’s intake, please get in touch ASAP so we can update our records.  You can do this by e-mailing


We have been in touch with your employers following the most recent Government guidelines with regards to ATG re-opening.

You will hear directly from your employers but will receive detailed information from us via e-mail with regards to the procedures in place, in due course.


We are pleased to say that our recruitment process for this year is now finalised.  As advised at your test and/or interview, our member companies will be invited to look at all the successful applications and get full information on any applicants they are interested in.  This will be done via an online portal this year due to the Centre still being closed as per Government COVID-19 guidelines.

Please remember to check your e-mails regularly and answer any telephone calls you receive as this may be companies trying to get in touch with you regarding an apprenticeship.  If you are invited for an interview, confirm the details with the company and follow any instructions from them.

If you are no longer interested in an apprenticeship, got another job, decided to stay on school/college or such like, please let us know so we can update our records and avoid wasting the time of companies, ourselves and yourself.  You can do this by e-mailing

Good luck J


Please note the closing date for receipt of applications is FRIDAY 5 JUNE 2020. We will be carrying out the last of the interviews the week commencing Monday 8 June to finalise our recruitment process for this year.
On receipt of your completed application we will e-mail you to acknowledge receipt and with any further instructions. Please ensure you check your e-mails regularly and respond to any from us as required, ASAP (remember to check your junk/spam folders).
For those who have applied, been tested and interviewed, as advised at both the test and interview, once our recruitment process is finalised, any member companies looking to take on apprentices this year, will have all the successful applications made available to them and they will then decide from there who they want to interview and ultimately offer an apprenticeship to. Please keep checking your e-mails regularly and answer any phone calls you receive as this may be companies trying to get in touch with you regarding an apprenticeship.
If you are contacted by companies, reply to them promptly.
If for any reason you are no longer interested in an apprenticeship – decided to stay on at school, got another job or such like, please let us know so we can update our records and not waste companies, our or your time, with unnecessary contact and paperwork.