Please note the closing date for recruitment for the 2023 apprentice intake is FRIDAY 28 APRIL 2023. If you would like to apply please do so as soon as possible. *EARN WHILE YOU LEARN*
Testing and our interviews will be concluded shortly thereafter and the portal of successful applications will be available for companies taking on apprentices this year to look at.
For those who have applied and have still to complete the test or book their online interview slot, please also do so ASAP.
If you think you’ve got the right skills and attitude for an engineering apprenticeship, we want to hear from you. We encourage applications from the right candidates regardless of age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, belief or race.
Visit our website www.atgltd.co.uk and under the Modern Apprenticeships heading, click on the Candidate Prospectus for lots of information, including the different areas of engineering there is.
To apply, follow these steps:
Click on Apprentice Application Form
Save the form to your own files
Complete the form and save it again
Submit the saved form to us, attaching the other paperwork asked for.
Alternatively, e-mail enquiries@atgltd.co.uk and an application form can be e-mailed to you, or you can pick one up from Reception.
We acknowledge every application received so if you haven’t had an e-mail confirming receipt it means we haven’t received it. Please check your spam/junk folders and respond to any e-mails you receive from us as required.
On receipt of your completed application form and supporting paperwork, you will be e-mailed links for the online aptitude test.
There are sample questions of the type asked in the test under the Recruitment heading in Modern Apprenticeships. Work out the answers to the sample questions then check against the Solution to Test button under the Apprentice Application Form heading.